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Sections and field grouping


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Posted 31 May 2017 - 10:17 AM

Hello All


I am new to the GC and just started using GC because of its simplicity. However, I am struggling for few basic things. I tried to search but can't find precise answer.


Basically I have about 35 to 40 fields in customer table, Add screen for 35 fields looks bit messy.


What I want to do is:


1. Display multiple columns in one row in ADD and EDIT screen, such as First Name and Last Name in same row.

2. Group the fields in sections in ADD and EDIT screen, such as

    Personal Details (displayed in a box)

    list of fields...

    Billing Address (displayed in a box)

    list of fields

    Payment Address (displayed in a box)

    list of fields

    Preferences (displayed in a box)

    list of fields



Please can some one guide me how to achieve this in GC? is it possible?






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Posted 01 June 2017 - 06:32 AM

Maybe you can create a custom template or try this: /topic/330-addedit-form-group-sections/