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Problem with remote access


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Posted 24 June 2017 - 14:24 PM



I have a new installation which works fine locally, both at the terminal and on other local machines, but grocery crud fails when I try to access it from the internet. The CRUD grid takes a very long time to load and when it finally does, all of the links to the saved images in the database and the links to the action buttons are wrong; specifically, they all reference the local IP address of the server; I think maybe that is why it takes so long to load as it must be waiting for the images to fail to load.


Does anyone have an idea of what might be going on?


Full disclosure: this is a brand new LAMP setup and I have only limited experience with it.



Edit: Nevermind, I fixed it. I copied the files from a windows machine that it was originally setup on and didn't change the hostname in the codeigniter config file