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Regarding "set_relation()" and Create a new entry


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Posted 18 October 2017 - 19:21 PM

Hi people =)


I'm using "set_relation()" to successfully relate one table to another, no problem there.


My question is, when I'm creating a new entry, the Add form brings me the "set_relation()" field but it only contais values that ARE related between the two tables. Since I am adding a new entry, I needed that the "set_relation()" to bring me all the values of that related table.



I want to list Persons and show the correct City name

    PersonID int,
    LastName varchar(255),
    FirstName varchar(255),
    CityID varchar(255) 

    CityID int,
    CityName varchar(255),
    CityCode varchar(255)





The problem is when I try to add a new Person, the City field shows me only "Quahog" and "New York"!

Since no Persons entry has a CityID "1", the "Sidney" option does not show up!


I am inserting a new entry on Persons table, I need to choose any Cities value, not only between the ones that already have a relation between the two tables.


erm ... got it? =)

