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paid support for CRUD application development


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Posted 07 December 2017 - 21:59 PM

 I have licensed enterprise thinking that maybe I will get some support but I am starting to doubt that now. Is there a paid support option available? or if not, is there any other CRUD library available for purchase that comes with support? I have limited time to continually do trial and error. 


Amit Shah

Amit Shah
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Posted 08 December 2017 - 04:16 AM

Well, whatever bugs / issues are there, as reported, Johny dose keep looking in the same and work out as quick as possible to resolve it. As with functional requirements, those is a different story. We at the community try to help the developers as much as possible. But there are a certain logical things which they have to crack on their own. What is the bug / issue you want to have support for?


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Posted 08 December 2017 - 13:53 PM

Amit, let me just say that I appreciate your help. I just am in need of some quick answers by people who are getting paid to answer. I have been stuck for the past month or so on a xdebug issue and was not happy with the lack of support I got from phpStorm. I finally found an independent post somewhere which explained to delete a certain directory containing the screwed up debug settings. After deleting it, the system worked immediately. I lost a month of my life because of a lack of attention to support. I worked the tech support desk  of a software co for about a year (a decade ago) and there are certain basic debugging steps that are usually followed. I can't imagine the phpStorm engineers don't have "basic steps" to follow. 


So in order to not have this problem with GC  (like I am having with the edit_fields()) I need to have someone I can rely on to help. Again I appreciate your free help, but my time is limited for trail and error. 

Amit Shah

Amit Shah
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Posted 09 December 2017 - 16:02 PM

Well.. the support you looking for is like logic support.. not something like issue / bugs.


Taking most of the software applications / libraries / tools even i encounter - free or paid, will take their time for such support. The money paid is for the library / application and not for supporting logical solutions. .. you must be well aware .. that even free / open source products are free to use but are charged in highly for such technical support. Such comes nothing less then high price .. you too are aware i believe. 


As for, i have seen Johny, doing his best to fix in technical issues / bugs .. etc. As for other technical / logical requirements, we do try giving in as much as possible. Even i am a developer an do understand that not everything can be cracked by every single person. But definately it is an art which everyone can develop and take things to next level. 


As for my experience with GroceryCRUD, the library is out for around 5 years or more now and the purpose the library was built was base... but the possibilities ppl have taken to / used it .. is sky high .. even Johny wouldnt have expected such stuff would be possible. Infact ppl have build external plugins around the library and shared in .. 


I have been following your edit_fields query. .. i didnt really see it as any issue, its just your lack of understanding of the application of the logic. Those, you may develop by digging in deep or learning by other developers experience. If there is any issue you are facing as such, do share in, i definately will like to learn it and work aroud possibly share solution for the same.


Happy GCing :)


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Posted 09 December 2017 - 20:51 PM

Thanks. I am, getting there.