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Transversing the DOM


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Posted 05 January 2018 - 13:12 PM

I have a page where I want to change the text in the blue box from NONE to something else. I am using grocery crud and codeigniter simplicity. 

$output = $crud->render();
$dom=new DOMDocument();
$dom->validateOnParse true;

My plan was to search through the HTML of the DOM and then modify the text of the HTML before output. But it seems that when I search ById, the $Output doesn't have the "Active Campaign:NONE" prepended to it yet.I guess it gets added somewhere during the _configure_output. But I don't want to modify the core code. 
Is there a better way to do this? One more additional point. I have not been able to get a javascript call back to work. I have tried  $crud->set_js($jsfile); but don' t know how to get the code in it to run. 




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Posted 14 August 2018 - 14:15 PM

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