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setRelation Dropdown option with attribute


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Posted 22 March 2018 - 03:24 AM

$crud->columns('attribute', 'value', 'position');
$crud->set_relation('attribute', 'm_attributes', 'name', array('status' => 'Active'), 'name asc');


<select id='field-attribute' name='attribute' class='chosen-select' data-placeholder='Select Attributes' style='width:300px'>

<option value=''></option>

<option value='1' >Red</option>

<option value='2' >Yellow</option>

<option value='3' >10 Units</option>

<option value='4' >20 Units</option>



I am getting an output as listed above. as Expected




m_attributes table contains a column named 'type'

I wanted the data in column type during option is populated as class='type'


<select id='field-attribute' name='attribute' class='chosen-select' data-placeholder='Select Attributes' style='width:300px'>

<option value=''></option>

<option class='Color' value='1' >Red</option>

<option class='Color' value='2' >Yellow</option>

<option class='Dropdown' value='3' >10 Units</option>

<option class='Dropdown' value='4' >20 Units</option>




So based on the selected option class attribute, I need to hide 2 textbox below in the page