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upload of multiple pdf


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Posted 11 April 2018 - 13:12 PM



I did several tests to load several pdf but I still can't do it.


I was thinking of making a join table (file_id, notice_id) and a listing table (file_id, file_name). I would also have liked to have the list of loaded pdf (that I could click) in the form.


I'm not asking the community to make me all my code of course but I need leads.

someone can help me to start ?




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Posted 27 April 2018 - 09:12 AM

Here my solution


in Grocery_CRUD library, here the modifications in get_upload_file_input function:

		$input = '<span class="fileinput-button qq-upload-button" id="upload-button-'.$unique.'" style="'.$uploader_display_none.'">
			<input type="file" name="'.$this->_unique_field_name($field_info->name).'" class="gc-file-upload" rel="'.$this->getUploadUrl($field_info->name).'" id="'.$unique.'">
			<input class="hidden-upload-input" type="hidden" name="'.$field_info->name.'" value="'.$value.'" rel="'.$this->_unique_field_name($field_info->name).'" />
		$input = '<span class="fileinput-button qq-upload-button" id="upload-button-'.$unique.'">
			<input type="file" name="'.$this->_unique_field_name($field_info->name).'" class="gc-file-upload" rel="'.$this->getUploadUrl($field_info->name).'" id="'.$unique.'">
			<input class="hidden-upload-input" type="hidden" name="'.$field_info->name.'" value="'.$value.'" rel="'.$this->_unique_field_name($field_info->name).'" />

before the return $input;

$input .= "<div id='pdfs'></div>"; //ajout

in my view, after js and css files

    /* fonction de suppression pour d'un pdf */
    function supprimerPdf(id) {
        var part = (window.location.pathname).match(/\d+$/);
            type: "get",
            url: "<?php echo base_url("index.php/participations/delete_pdfs/"); ?>" + id + "/" + part,
            dataType: 'JSON',
            success: function (data) {
                $('#pdf_' + id).css({'color':'#aaaaaa', 'text-decoration':'line-through'});
                $('#pdf_' + id + ' > .mm-delete').removeAttr('onclick').empty().next().next().removeAttr('onclick').empty();
            error: function (a,b,c) {
    /* fonction la lecture d'un pdf */
    function lirepdf(pdf) {


at the end of view

    window.onload = function () {
        var id = (window.location.pathname).match(/\d+$/);
        /* Affichage des pdfs */
        function recherche_pdf(id) {
                type: "get",
                url: "<?php echo base_url("index.php/participations/get_pdfs/"); ?>" + id[0],
                dataType: 'JSON',
                success: function (data) {
                    if (data != 'nopdf') {
                        for (var pdf in data) {
                            var name_pdf = data[pdf].substr(6);

                            $('#pdfs').append('<br/><span id="pdf_' + pdf + '"><span class="mm-delete" onClick="supprimerPdf(' + pdf + ')"><span class="text-danger glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span>' + name_pdf + '</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span onClick="lirepdf(\'<?php echo base_url('/assets/pdfs/'); ?>' + data[pdf] + '\')"><span class="text-info glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open"></span></span></span>');
                error: function (a,b,c) {
        if (id != null) {
        $('#file_url_display_as_box').click(function () {



The get_pdfs function returns an array $data[id_file] = $pdf_name.
this function calls a join table id_file / part_id (main table id)
and a table that lists the files.


in controller

$state = $crud->getState();

if ($state == 'delete_file')
   die; // prevents the deletion of the pdf after its insertion ;O))