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How to set a new theme and substitute the editor


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Posted 19 April 2018 - 17:39 PM

I'm new to Code Igniter and to Grocery Crud too, but I really like both projects and I'm impatient to start use them, but I need to do some changes to fit my needs. In a few words I would like to:

  • substitute the default theme with one based on Uikit 2 by YooTheme (https://getuikit.com/v2/);
  • get completely rid of the predefined editors (ckeditor, tinymce, markitup) and substitute them with the integrated Uikit 2 editor (https://getuikit.com/v2/docs/htmleditor.html), which can support both html editing and markdown too (by switching an attribute loading the js application, I'll need to figure out how to do it initialising the CRUD...);
  • integrate the Uikit 2 theme for Datatables avaiable here (https://github.com/jampajeen/datatables-uikit-crud-plugin) in order to have a full themed application that uses the same css and js framework everywhere in a consistent manner and has a consistent look and feel.

My question is: how do I start it? I suppose it will be not sufficient to develop a new theme, but some changes will be needed even in the Grocery Crud's core. Is there anyone expert that can list the main passages in order to obtain such results so I can have a little reference to start with?


Is there any avaiable tutorial about developing a new theme (with custom js and css files)?


Any suggestion and help would be really appreciated. Thanks a lot in advance for your time and attention.