⚠ In case you've missed it, we have migrated to our new website, with a brand new forum. For more details about the migration you can read our blog post for website migration. This is an archived forum. ⚠


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Grocery CRUD YouTube channel - 40 subscribers for the next milestone!


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Posted 11 May 2018 - 06:55 AM

💪 🎉 We can make it guys... 40 more subscribers to reach 1K subs. 🎉 💪 

It wouldn't be possible to make it guys without your support to create those new videos:

But also some videos that you did ask me to do such as:


And some latest ones such as:


Subscribe for more: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpR9NZtmpzN4SOjpLlxuNDw?ab_channel=groceryCRUD and spread the love  :wub: 

Happy GCing everyone  :D
