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Flexigrid themes?


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Posted 10 June 2012 - 14:43 PM

Hello all.

I can only imagine the pain it must be to keep both themes flexigrid and datatables updated. I now know why we only have these two themes.

Anyhow, I was wondering why not just keep flexigrid theme and stop supporting datatables. Before I get flamed by all datatables users out there, please hear me out.

I thought if we had just flexigrid based themes then the theming itself would be much easier to do and modular. It could be also more flexible.

The idea would be to have some set of flexigrid icons and CSS values, JS changes and whatnot so anyone could edit and create their own custom theme. I can imagine we would have lots of different themes out there.

Anyway just a thought, I'm sure a lot of people will disagree. :)