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Update field in validation rule


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Posted 17 July 2012 - 21:47 PM


I want to do the following:
1 - Upon update or insert, execute some code to change the value of fields before submitting them
2 - If the process fails, display an error message

Now, looking at the forums and doc I understood that
1: Can be done using callback_before_insert and callback_before_update
2: cannot be done using callback_before_insert and callback_before_update

2: can be done using set_rules and passing a callback function

How can I then change the value of the form field in a set_rules callback, before submitting them (as would be done using the return $post_array of callbacks ?

Thanks in advance


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Posted 18 July 2012 - 11:22 AM


I actually reply to my own post in case someone is interested by the solution.

I solved this problem by :
1 - Creating a class property in the construct (for use as a global variable in the class context)

function __construct()

$this->myProperty = ""; // Class property used as a global variable

2 - In the set_rules callback, assigning the result of the process to this class property (and return true) or displaying my error message there (and return false);


function myValidationRule($value) {
// Some process

if ($process == "OK") {
// Successful
$this->myProperty = $someResult;
return true;
else {
// failure
$this->form_validation->set_message('myValidationRule', $message);
return FALSE;

3 - Assigning the property to the adequate $post_array index in the callback_before_insert / callback_before_update function (that are actually called only if the set_rules succeeds).

function myCallBack($post_array, $primary_key) {
if (!empty($post_array['myField'])) {
// if field is already set just return
else {
$post_array['myField'] = $this->myProperty;
return $post_array;

So :
- If my process succeeds the value is assigned to the correct field (myField) and saved
- if the process fails, an error message is displayed


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Posted 19 July 2012 - 13:23 PM

Very nice! Thanks for sharing