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text field value dependent on drop down list


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Posted 22 August 2016 - 23:06 PM

Hello, I'am new in grocery Crud, I've been search any topic about text field value which dependent on drop down list but I didn't found it.

I have 3 tables : employees, units, and accidents


1. Employees :

- employe_id

- name

- unit_id


2. Units :

- unit_id

- unit_name


3. Accidents :

- id

- employee_id

- unit_id


What I need is if I add data of accident into table Accidents, I want the value of unit_id from table Employees will appears in text field when I select dropdown list of employee_id and then added both of empoyee_id and unit_id into table Accidents. I need this because the table Employees sometimes updated.

Sorry if my question make confuses. Pls anyone can help me...this is urgent 


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Posted 26 August 2016 - 14:01 PM

You can refer here.. /topic/1087-updated-24112012-dependent-dropdown-library/

answered by Viktor