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Grocery Crud in laravel


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Posted 22 July 2014 - 11:22 AM

Next stop... grocery CRUD in Laravel!


Thanks Johnny for all this good stuff !


Is Grocery CRUD for Laravel on the tracks ?

Sachin Rajput

Sachin Rajput
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Posted 30 January 2016 - 05:18 AM

Is there any update or progress towards Grocery CRUD for Laravel? I would love it!! 

Cristian Tăbăcitu

Cristian Tăbăcitu
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Posted 05 October 2016 - 13:28 PM

Kind heads-up: as there was no progress on GroceryCRUD for Laravel, I've built one myself. It's called Backpack for Laravel and its usage and features are heavily influenced by the excellent experience GroceryCRUD offers.


It's free and open-source and has gotten very nice traction lately, so Johnny (or anyone else) - if you plan on building one, maybe don't and come onboard the Backpack train?




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Posted 18 January 2017 - 05:15 AM

Hello Guys as you will probably already know it, Grocery CRUD for any PHP framework (and native PHP of course) is now available  :D


For more check our page at: http://www.grocerycrud.com/enterprise


As I am also mentioning at the first page: 

"Grocery CRUD Enterprise is also compatible with Laravel Framework (the most famous PHP Framework out there)"


As it took us 1.5 years to be on a stage to release it, we did celebrated with cupcakes


Enjoy  :)


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Posted 30 January 2017 - 18:36 PM

Hello Guys as you will probably already know it, Grocery CRUD for any PHP framework (and native PHP of course) is now available  :D


For more check our page at: http://www.grocerycrud.com/enterprise


As I am also mentioning at the first page: 

"Grocery CRUD Enterprise is also compatible with Laravel Framework (the most famous PHP Framework out there)"


As it took us 1.5 years to be on a stage to release it, we did celebrated with cupcakes


Enjoy  :)


First of all Congrats on your Enterprise edition of the beloved GC, I read that performance are very great because using of AJAX, React without reloading the Page, but what about PHP + MySQL Queries is there any different from free version ? as I see in free version is very slow specially with database has 250k+ rows.


is it right choice to use Enterprise on codeigniter over free version ? is there any statistics or benchmark Free version Vs Enterprise edition ?  


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Posted 02 February 2017 - 23:12 PM

Hello @Kaabi and thank :D


Let's answer to all of your questions:

1. "but what about PHP + MySQL Queries is there any different from free version?" Yes it is! Now with the caching of queries and a clever way to do as less queries as possible, it is fast! I did try it with 1M(million) rows and it is working just fine (0.4 seconds average per request). However, I am wondering about the slow community edition? I am hearing people saying that Gcrud community is slow... but I think it is not! I did test them both with 1M rows and it seems that both perform the same fast.

Update: Actually I did some metrics again and Grocery CRUD Enterprise is much faster (e.g. x1000 times faster!!) when it comes to huge amount of data (e.g. 1M data). I will try to add some metrics at the forums and later on the documentation to see exactly what I mean.


Have in mind that at the latest version Grocery CRUD community is faster than ever before. Grocery CRUD Enterprise is even faster but you will not notice a huge difference (the fastest performance is more about clever queries and removing duplication).

Update: In fact smart queries are making a huge difference on Grocery CRUD Enterprise and the queries are running much faster. I will try to update with more specific data. 

Can you please give me an example of a case that GCRUD community is slow? I just need to table structures really and the code and don't worry I will fill the tables by my own :) Maybe you simply didn't add some indexes?


2. "Is it right choice to use Enterprise on codeigniter over free version?" Have in mind that Grocery CRUD Enterprise is the community edition plus extra features and a better base for more features.
If you are already in Codeigniter and you are thinking about the best choice, update to Grocery CRUD Enterprise if:

- You are thinking that it is possible for the project that you are working to move to different framework.
- It is important for you or your customers to have faster edits/adds/delete... e.t.c. with AJAX calls without the need of a refresh

- You need a non mySQL database to use (e.g. Oracle, MSSQL, PostgreSQL... e.t.c.)

- You want to use some new features of Enterprise (e.g.: Columns visibility for the end user (to show or hide columns) or the Extended search: You can use >,>=,=,<,<= or have a dropdown/checkboxes at the column search (and at the future it will be even more extended.

- You need to use multiple grids into one page.

- At the future you are thinking to separate the JavaScript HTML code from the PHP code. As Grocery CRUD Enterprise works independently as an API, you can use the backend calls into a different server and all the JavaScript/HTML/CSS to a different server (and also cache it). This is also optimising the rendering time of the HTML.


In other words, I don't think that it is required to go to Grocery CRUD Enterprise if you are not thinking about having something from the above features. Of course the code is more clean and take benefits of all the new trends but I think for the end-user point of view the functionality matters most right? :)


3. "Is there any statistics or benchmark Free version Vs Enterprise edition?" Not yet but I would like to have some! It is not the top priority for the moment but I would also want to have 1M rows at the website so you can also see how fast Grocery CRUD Enterprise is 


Hope it helps.