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How to use two table and submit data to two table


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Posted 30 November 2015 - 03:46 AM

That was my question was for error i was getting but here i already have explained a trick to how to insert in two table and also using json like it you have a table, and now i would creating a popup for print  :P 

This is my view 

the table is as jdata


Sorry It was My Mistake using dual jQuery different versions 


I have an issue i have created an extra hidden field in the form in which i put the receipt values items as json after Save click i receive those in insert into the other table and unset(post_array['jdata']) and return the post array but after this i get the view which is in the attachments:[attachment=1044:error.png]

i don't know how to resolve it and my code is bellow 

	public function index()
		$crud = new grocery_CRUD();




			$crud->field_type('outlet_id', 'hidden', '$Ol');
			$crud->field_type('outlet_id', 'hidden', $Ol);
			$crud->field_type('jdata', 'hidden','abc' );
			$output = $crud->render();
	public function insertRecipt_callback($post_array){
		foreach($obj1 as $key=>$value){
		 return $post_array;

i create the jdata by using ajax