2021 Retrospective
One year before I've created a list of things that I was planning to do for 2021 with name Grocery CRUD 2021
I am glad to say that I've achieved most of them and here we have the results:
✅ Multiple upload functionality. We've finally have a multiple upload functionality in our CRUD. We now have the function setFieldUploadMultiple
✅ Adding the ability to have only icons at the CRUD. We now have the new configuration with name
that can take values:'icon'
- ✅ Improve the documentation. Improving the documentation especially for Grocery CRUD Enterprise edition. We also have a new section with name "Advanced Examples" that you can find on the Documentation page at the right column with name "Advanced Examples"
- Oh well, the pressure is on. Grocery CRUD version 3 is not ready yet, but I've spent the most of the year for this development. Just to keep you updated on that I've already tracked all of my time spent on Grocery CRUD just to see where I spend most of my time:

So basically, I've spent more time creating the new version rather than developing new features. That's tough.... very tough! 😮 Grocery CRUD version 3 is 4 times bigger than I initially thought and I am developing 4 times slower 😞. In summary, saying goodbye to jQuery is difficult but the right step forward for the future 😃.
Very soon, I will also have the update for Grocery CRUD 2022 so stay tuned 🤗
Dec 02, 2021 by John Skoubourdis