API and Functions list

Function name Small description
addFields The fields that will be visible to the end user for add/insert form.
cloneFields The fields that will be visible to the end user for clone form.
columns Specifying the fields that the end user will see as the datagrid columns.
displayAs Displaying the field name with a more readable label to the end-user.
editFields The fields that will be visible to the end user for edit/update form.
fieldType Changing the default field type from the database to fit to our needs.
fields This function is really just a facade function to call all the 4 functions at once: addFields, editFields, readFields and cloneFields.
getState Simply get the current state name as a string.
getStateInfo Get all the information about the current state.
readFields The fields that will be visible when the end-user navigates to the view form.
render This is the most basic function. In other words this means “make it work”.
requiredFields The most common validation. Checks is the field provided by the user is empty.
setActionButton Adding extra action buttons to the rows of the datagrid.
setAdd Setting the insert functionality. This function is rare to use as the default is already enabled.
setApiUrlPath Change the default API URL path and instead use the provided URL. Useful when we use Routes.
setClone Enabling the clone functionality for the datagrid. Clone is basically copying all the data to an insert form.
setDelete Set the delete functionality. This function is rare to use as the default is already enabled.
setEdit Set the update functionality. This function is rare to use as the default is already enabled.
setExport Set the export functionality. This function is rare to use as the default is already enabled.
setLangString Change any handle of the translation.
setLanguage Set the language of the CRUD. All the languages that Grocery CRUD supports are listed at the Languages Support section.
setModel Changing the default model with a custom one.
setPrimaryKey Set manually the primary key for a table.
setPrint Setting the print functionality. This function is rare to use as the default is already enabled.
setRead In order to enable the “View” button at your grid you will need to use the function setRead. The view of the form (read only) is false by default.
setRelation This is the function that is used to connect two tables with a 1 to n (1:n) relation.
setRelationNtoN A connection for 3 tables with n-n relation (also known as n:n or m:n).
setRule The setRule function is used to set a validation rule at the backend. Same as Codeigniter 4 setRule
setSubject Set a subject title for all the CRUD operations for the current CRUD.
setTable This is the database table that the developer will use to create the CRUD.
setTexteditor Specifying the fields that will open with a texteditor (ckeditor).
setTheme The setTheme is used in order to change the default theme (flexigrid).
uniqueFields Check if the data for the specified fields are unique. This is used at the insert and the update operation.
unsetAdd Removing the insert functionality at the current CRUD.
unsetAddFields Unset (do not display) the specified fields for the insert form.
unsetBackToDatagrid Unsets everything that has to do with buttons or links with go back to datagrid message. Currently only available for community version.
unsetBootstrap Do not load Bootstrap CSS. This is used when the Bootstrap CSS is already loaded at the template.
unsetClone The method unsetClone is removing completely the Clone operation for the end-user.
unsetCloneFields Unset (do not display) the specified fields from the clone form.
unsetColumns Unset (do not display) the specified columns.
unsetDelete Unset and do not display the delete functionality Also unsetting the delete multiple functionality.
unsetEdit Removing the edit operation for the end-user (from the frontend and the backend)
unsetEditFields Unset (do not display) the specified fields for the update form.
unsetExport Removing the export functionality for the current CRUD.
unsetFields Unset (do not display) the specified fields for insert, update, clone and view form. This method is simply combining the methods: unsetAddFields, unsetEditFields, unsetCloneFields, unsetReadFields.
unsetJquery Do not load jQuery. This is used when jQuery is already loaded at the template.
unsetJqueryUi Do not load jQuery UI. This is used when the jQuery UI (CSS and JS) is already loaded at the template.
unsetOperations Removing all the permissions for any operation (expect print and export) for the end-user.
unsetPrint The method unsetPrint is removing completely the Print operation for the end-user.
unsetRead The method unsetRead is removing completely the Read operation for the end-user.
unsetReadFields Unset (do not display) the specified fields for the view (read only) form.
unsetTexteditor Unsets the texteditor for the selected fields. This function is really rare to use as by default there is not any load of the texteditor for optimising purposes.
where Filter the queries with an extra where statement.
Function name Small description
callbackAddField A callback that is used in case you need to create a custom field for the add form.
callbackAfterDelete The callback that will be used right after the delete.
callbackAfterInsert The callback that will be used right after the insert of the data.
callbackAfterUpdate The callback that will be used right after the update of the data.
callbackBeforeDelete The callback will be triggered before the delete functionality.
callbackBeforeInsert The callback is used in cases we need to add or change data before the insert functionality.
callbackBeforeUpdate The callback is used in cases we need to add or change data before the update functionality.
callbackCloneField A callback that is used in case you need to create a custom field for the clone form.
callbackColumn The method callbackColumn is the transformation of the data for a column at the datagrid.
callbackDelete The basic usage of callbackDelete is when we want to replace the default delete functionality.
callbackEditField A callback that is used in case you need to create a custom field for the edit/update form.
callbackInsert The callback is used when we need to replace the default functionality of the insert.
callbackReadField This is a callback in order to create a custom field at the read/view form.
callbackUpdate The callback is used when we need to replace the default update functionality.
Function name Small description
defaultOrdering The default ordering that the datagrid will have before the user will press any button to order by column.
setRules setRules method combines multiple setRule methods into one.
setActionButtonMultiple Action button for multiple selections with checkboxes.
setSkin Choose between two skins: Bootstrap v3 and Bootstrap V4.
unsetFilters Removing the "Filters" button from the datagrid.
unsetSearchColumns Unset the search on the datagrid from quick column search and from filtering.
unsetSettings Removing the "Settings" button from the datagrid.
callbackAfterDeleteMultiple The callback that will be used right after the multiple delete functionality.
callbackBeforeDeleteMultiple Similar functionality with callbackBeforeDelete it is just that this callback will be used for the delete multiple functionality.
callbackDeleteMultiple Replaces the default multiple delete functionality with the callback specified.
callbackReadForm A callback to change the read data that will display at the read/view modal.
callbackEditForm This callback is used in case we need to append, filter or change the data that are going to appear on the edit form.
setDeleteMultiple The setDeleteMultiple method is rarely used as the multiple delete functionality is enabled by default.
unsetDeleteMultiple This function is used when you don't want the user to have the ability to batch remove too many records at once. Have in mind that the user can remove rows one by one.
readOnlyAddFields There are cases, that we need some fields to be read only but only to the add form modal.
readOnlyCloneFields There are cases, that we need some fields to be read only but only to the clone form modal.
readOnlyEditFields There are cases, that we need some fields to be read only but only to the edit form modal.
readOnlyFields Specifying the fields that can't be edited and will only be viewed.
callbackAfterUpload The callback that will be triggered right after the upload.
callbackAfterUpload The callback that will be triggered right after the upload.
callbackBeforeUpload The callback is used in cases we need to filter the uploaded data before the upload functionality.
callbackUpload The callbackUpload is used when we need to replace the default upload functionality of Grocery CRUD Enterprise.
setFieldUpload There is a special type of field for uploading data or images and in order to trigger this type, you will need to use the setFieldUpload method.
setFieldUploadMultiple Multiple Uploads functionality in one field with comma separated values.
setCsrfTokenName Specify the token name for CSRF protection.
setCsrfTokenValue Specify the token value for CSRF protection.
setDatabaseSchema Set the database schema (currently only tested on PostgresSQL databases).
setDependentRelation There are cases that dropdown list that was built from setRelation has dependencies between them.
setSequenceName Postgres database is recognising the insert id with a sequence key.
fieldTypeAddForm This function is used for cases that you need to change the field type but only for the add/insert form.
fieldTypeCloneForm This function is used for cases that you need to change the field type but only for the Clone form.
fieldTypeColumn This function is used for cases that you need to change the field type but only for the datagrid column.
fieldTypeEditForm This function is used for cases that you need to change the field type but only for the edit/update form.
fieldTypeFormFields This function is really just a facade function to call all the functions of field-types for the form data.
fieldTypeReadForm This function is used when you need to change the field type but only for the read/view form.
setFieldBlob Enable the upload functionality for Blob field type.
setConfig Quickly set a configuration name that will be specific for your CRUD.
setLanguagePath setLanguagePath is used in order to change the default path of the language folder.
setThemePath The method setThemePath is used when we want to change the folder of the theme.